Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What exactly is a Starter BFF (SBFF)?

Imagine being able to ask someone all of those awkward questions about race. You know the ones - What about your hair, do you tan, are you sexually more promiscuous? (Quick answer to the last one - not even.) Can you be friendly without being offensive? (Of course, it's about intent and respect). Can you be sassy? (Yes and yes.)

Enter your SBFF. Safe enough to take to your parent's house in a "flyover" state, but pretty clearly Black. We'll navigate some of the big issues - media, dating, etc. and some of the smaller ones too.

I only have 2 rules:
1. Be Respectful - you can disagree, but if you get ugly you are so gone.
2. Don't be a coward - don't say or post anything that you wouldn't say to my face.

Oh, by the way… you can't touch my hair unless you ask first. Also, don't pet me like a dog. Otherwise, you may pull back a nub.


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